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Why Choose Le Oasis Disability Services

Le Oasis Disability Services aims to provide constant quality services to people living with a disability to enable them to live their best everyday lives.


Our objective is similar to the goals of our clients and their families which is to receive the services they require so they can maintain independence, continue to enjoy their individual lifestyles, maintain their social, community, and religious activities. 



Working Relationships

We guarantee a transparent and comfortable working relationship with your care.


We are a professional team of carers who will always care about your personal space and privacy.


​Whether you are home, out for the day, or on holiday you have a team dedicated to delivering optimum care.

Stay in Your Own Home

Continue to enjoy your home life complete with friends, family, and pets.

Respect and Dignity

We take time to understand the little things that matter to you and collaborate to achieve them.

Your Choice

You request the time, type, choose your career and location of the care.

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