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Get in touch with us to maximise your funding today

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian Federal Government initiative to fund Australians living with a disability. The NDIS is being rolled out across all States and Territories. The Scheme is to provide support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive, and psychosocial disabilities.


Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible people with disabilities or children with developmental delays. The purpose of the NDIS is to provide equal funding for the required supports to participants and provide peace of mind to all Australians living with a disability. 


There are around 4.3 million Australians who have a disability. Within the next five years, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will provide more than $22 billion in funding a year to an estimated 500,000 Australians who have a permanent and significant disability. 


The NDIS can provide all people with disabilities with information and connections to services in their communities such as doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries, and schools, as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.



NDIS Payment Models

Self - Managed Participants

Participants who are self-managing their plan are invoiced by, and pay providers directly. 


Le Oasis Disability Services will negotiate and provide Self - managing participants a receipt from of their expenditures against their plan using the myspace participant portal.

Plan - Managed Participants

Where a participant has a plan manager assisting them, Le Oasis Disability Services will provide invoices directly to the participant's plan manager.


The plan manager will process the payment through the myplace provider portal and pay Le Oasis Disability Services

NDIA - Managed Participants

Le Oasis Disability Services will negotiate all terms with participants who are NDIA- Managed and submit payment request directly with the NDIA through the myplace provider portal to receive payment for services or supports provided.


Other Funding Options

State Government disability packages

Many states across Australia continue to fund disability services in areas that have yet to transition to the NDIS.


Le Oasis Disability services understand the transition period, and the complexity of funding options available in each area and, are here to assist you. 

Privately Funded Services

If you realize that you have one-off requests, such as travel or holiday assistance, need help during extended periods of respite or if you find that the NDIS or state-funded budgets available to you don’t cover all the services required, you can choose to privately fund extra services.

Insurance Payout

If you have experienced total or permanent disability, you may be provided with third- party insurance payments. 

TAC, Worksafe,NIIS, and iCare funding.


Our specialist consultants are here to assist. Contact us with any questions or if you require advice.

How NDIS Pricing Works

The price guide for NDIS providers is designed to give you more choice of providers and get your money’s worth for the services you need. It sets the price for some supports, such as 1-to-1 assistance with daily life and 1-to-1 assistance to access community, social and recreational activities.

The NDIS allocations depend on the type of support services you require and the location you live in.

The price guide is updated annually by the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency), effective 1 July each year.

NDIS Price guide 2020 - 2021 click 

Le Oasis Disability Services Aged Care Fees

To assist you understand the different prices for your aged care in-home services, we’ve created a rate table for 1-to-1 standard support with Le Oasis  Disability Services.

Rates depend on the level of services required and the time support services are provided / required. 

Please contact us for rates information.

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